The Dialogue Institute leads and sustains a movement of interreligious and intercultural dialogue within an academic setting and on a global scale.
The DI works collaboratively with other universities, nonprofits, and non-governmental organizations, and the business and public sectors to create an atmosphere of trust and to foster knowledge and mutual understanding.
“I am content with, each moment, being the recipient of all the being, truth, beauty, and goodness in the now increasingly touchable global being. I embrace the persons I meet and engage with - each in their individually profound ways.”
“I have more respect for everyone to live as they wish. And I’m fighting every day to ensure that’s the case in my own country. Different cultures, religions and political opinions should be able to live together.”
“My experience with the DI and my collegial relationships with its staff are my point of reference in this work to promote religious pluralism.”
“The whole concept of keeping my faith while understanding, respecting and actually listening to the other side through a dialogue has since shaped the person I am today.”
“I learned to not only engage in productive and intellectually stimulating dialogue, but also how to create an environment in which dialogue can flourish.”